Undergraduate Turfgrass Program Turf Team
Nebraska's Turf Research plots

The turfgrass program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is made up of experts in the areas of turfgrass breeding, weed science, plant physiology, entomology, and soil and water management. Our mission is to provide turfgrass research and education and to maintain high quality turfgrass while reducing water and other inputs. The goal is to provide pertinent research based information to turfgrass managers throughout the year and address agronomic issues as they come up across Nebraska, the Great Plains region, and the country.

Nebraska Turfgrass Field Day set for Friday, July 19, 2024

Copy of Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals front page.

2023 Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals is available now!

This publication presents updated weed identification and weed management control for turfgrass professionals in golf courses, sports fields, sod farms, lawns, and other turfgrass-related areas. This guide is in collaboration with experts in the states of Nebraska, North Dakota, Kansas, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio, Michigan, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

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